Family Bathroom
Family Bathroom is the place where we find private retreat, relaxed atmosphere, experience of "eurika moments" and self-caring routine.
Most home buyers are looking for at least one bathtub in their houses and a family bathroom is the best location for it. Although a tub, sink, and toilet can squeeze into 5x7-foot space, a 6x8-foot area is desirable in terms of comfort, storage, and safety.
If you are renovating a minimum-size bath, consider annexing adjacent space, expanding into the hallway, or bumping out an exterior wall several feet. Bear in mind that a bathroom can go beyond the lines of a simple square or rectangle. By incorporating a portion of an adjacent closet, for example, you can create an alcove large enough for a tub.
Think about placing a toilet and tub each in its own compartment so multiple users can be in the bathroom at once.
Our team upon in-home visit will be able to assess available room for potential increasing your current family bathroom.